Andries Andries Andries Andries LOVER.
9 jaar
Yource Member
Yource Member
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Wat wilde je vroeger worden ‘als je later groot zou zijn’?
James Bond
"The way to get started, is to quit talking en begin doing!"
Wanneer ben je op je aller gelukkigst?
When I achieve set goals.
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
Hoe hou je het hoofd koel in lastige situaties?
Work hard, play hard. Alternate busy moments with fun moments during work.
Welke tip zou je aan je collega's willen geven?
Make sure to do what you love, then it won't feel like work.