Learning Learning LearningWe get up every day thinking: “ How can we do better today?” You can't do that on your own, after all, you can never know everything.
We have a special Learning department and even a Digital Campus! There, we develop programs that perfectly match the five phases that a Member goes through during his or her career: selection, preboarding, onboarding, learning-on-the-job and the next step. Whether it's your own employees or our Members who work for you. We'll take care of you!
Great start with Learning
Our Learning team ensures that the Members get off to a good start. From e-Assessments and onboarding to Wft programs and tailor-made training courses: we offer suitable learning solutions for every form of customer contact. We can use Trainers, Learning & Development Specialists, Quality Specialists, Campus Specialists or Wft Specialists for supervision.

Learn online and offline with the Yource Campus
A good customer contact training is always a combination of online and offline learning. That is why we have set up the Yource Campus as a Learning Experience Platform with more than 700 different learning solutions. Think of e-learnings, webinars, podcasts, microlearnings and group courses. There is sufficient supply for each level and everything is focused on development, both professionally and personally.

Curious about how we work?
Of course, you are now curious about what a learning process looks like for your organisation. This depends on the career phase in which a Member is currently in. This is what we are happy to determine together with you. No matter which learning solution we choose, we always do so from the unique Yource One Way Of Working and working with our four core values: Digital, Reliable, Personal en Entrepreneurial.
Would you like to find out more? We would be happy to tell you about it. Feel free to contact us for an appointment.
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Are you looking for an answer that is truly helpful to you? Look no further. We even have the answers to questions you haven't yet considered.