Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara LOVER.
4 jaar
Yource Member
Yource Member
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Suits, Scandal, Being Mary Jane
Wat wilde je vroeger worden ‘als je later groot zou zijn’?
"the corporate job with the corner office"
"I am not a victim of my past or my circumstances. I have the power to change my life!"
Wanneer ben je op je aller gelukkigst?
"Growing, developing, and achieving results."
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
Hoe hou je het hoofd koel in lastige situaties?
"By extracting the positive from every situation. My glass is always half full."
Welke tip zou je aan je collega's willen geven?
"Celebrate every success, no matter how small it may be."