Bernard Bernard Bernard Bernard LOVER.
4 jaar
Yource Member
Yource Member
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Wat wilde je vroeger worden ‘als je later groot zou zijn’?
"At the most important crossroads in life, there are no signposts."
Wanneer ben je op je aller gelukkigst?
At the table with a full glass in my hands surrounded by friends.
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
Hoe hou je het hoofd koel in lastige situaties?
Don't worry, it will turn out differently anyway.
Welke tip zou je aan je collega's willen geven?
Don't procrastinate too many things in life, it goes by much faster than you think!