Tineke Tineke Tineke Tineke LOVER.
4 jaar
Yource Member
Yource Member
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Favo serie of film
Downton Abbey
Wat wilde je vroeger worden ‘als je later groot zou zijn’?
"Your personality is your businesscard."
Wanneer ben je op je aller gelukkigst?
When I have nice people around me.
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
My dream holiday
Hoe hou je het hoofd koel in lastige situaties?
I don't always succeed in following this advice,, but try taking a step back and analyzing the situation from a distance.
Welke tip zou je aan je collega's willen geven?
Treat your colleagues the way you would like to be treated yourself.